It was a pleasure to chair the session on socio-economic inequalities and uneven development at the Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies (DevNet) conference at the University of Otago.
💡 A key message from our session is the value of research exploring the nuanced lived experiences of diverse sociocultural groups across different localities for effective policy responses.
In Fiji, income poverty and consumption poverty have been widely debated. Poverty research shows that there is a need to shift to a broader understanding of poverty as a multidimensional, beyond economic poverty. Furthermore, there is a need to consider relative poverty and inequalities in the wider Pacific Islands region.
"Definitions of concepts such as ‘poverty’ and ‘inequality’ may seem an ivory tower exercise. Yet, the way in which poverty is defined matters in the real world."
Anthropology at the University of the South Pacific: From past dynamics to present perceptions
Abstract The Pacific Island region is a key context in the history of anthropology. Yet, while much has been written about how anthropology of the Pacific Islands contributed to Anglo‐American anthropology, the discipline’s institutional history in the Pacific Islands has received very little attention. This paper is the first to explore the history of anthropology at the University of the South Pacific (USP). Research findings demonstrate that anthropology lacked practical meaning in an institution established to modernise Pacific Island states. Fieldwork conducted at USP suggests that current perceptions of anthropology held by academic staff are strongly linked to the discipline’s classic era. I argue that the anti‐colonial version of the Pacific Way from the 1970s onward, coupled with the hegemony of political economist and anti‐culturalist approaches among the USP teaching staff in the 1980s, inhibited a meaningful engagement with the Writing Culture debate at USP. This may explain why there has been little influence by the discipline’s postmodern transformation over the past thirty years on current perceptions of anthropology at USP.
Reference: Kessler KA. Anthropology at the University of the South Pacific: From past dynamics to present perceptions. Aust J Anthropol. 2021;00:1–21. https://doi. org/10.1111/taja.12388
Many thanks to all research participants!
USP Laucala Campus 2021 (photo taken by Kim Andreas Kessler)
New publication forthcoming in The Australian Journal of Anthropology (TAJA) on the history of anthropology at the University of the South Pacific (USP)…
The Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network (DevNet) 2020 Conference is on at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Geography #PhD candidates Sargam Gounder and Kim Kessler presented at the #DevNet#Conference in Palmerston North today. Good to see several of our PhD students presenting at a variety of conferences over the last month.