Poverty is currently being widely debated in Fiji. Here a research-based viewpoint in the Fiji Times.

Researcher in Development Geography
Poverty is currently being widely debated in Fiji. Here a research-based viewpoint in the Fiji Times.
In Fiji, income poverty and consumption poverty have been widely debated. Poverty research shows that there is a need to shift to a broader understanding of poverty as a multidimensional, beyond economic poverty. Furthermore, there is a need to consider relative poverty and inequalities in the wider Pacific Islands region.
Read more in my EADI blog: http://www.developmentresearch.eu/?p=1244.
"Definitions of concepts such as ‘poverty’ and ‘inequality’ may seem an ivory tower exercise. Yet, the way in which poverty is defined matters in the real world."https://t.co/0hZ4flsMVK
— EADI (@EADI) June 21, 2022